Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thoughts from a Bison

Oh, its a great day to be a bison, a bison in Yellowstone. I just love it in the spring, walking around and eating, eating and walking around.

Oh, no, here come those people with their camera again. Pictures, pictures and more pictures. How would you like it if we had a camera and we followed you around taking pictures all day? Huh? How would you like it?

I think I'll go down to the next field and maybe they will go away. I think it will be easier to get away if I walk down the road instead of through the field.

Oh yeh! Mom said to always look both ways before getting out on the road. You might get hit. There are a lot of crazy drivers out there. I guess they might not see a bison walking down the road. Go figure!

Well, do you have your camera for this one? How do you like this view? There, hope that makes you go away so I can eat in peace!

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