Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Return of the Bird

1.            Flight to Tower: Breaking Away from the formation.

            Tower: We have you on radar. Commence final approach.

2.            Flight: Roger that. Beginning Decent.

            Tower: Begin turn to the left, continuing approach.

3.            Flight: Roger that. Turning to the left.

            Tower: We have you on visual. Continue decent.

4.            Flight: Have landing zone in sight. Down to 1,100 feet.

            Tower: Slow airspeed. Don’t want to see you overshoot.

5.            Flight: Roger that. Slowing airspeed.

            Tower: Begin lowering your feet.

6.            Flight: Roger that. Feet down and angled.

            Tower: You are under the radar.


7.            Flight: Right. I am standing on the roof, stupid!

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