Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't Throw Caution to the Wind

We moved into the open field, all the time watching the line of trees and shrubs off to our left. Near the tree line the big, black bear eyed us cautiously. 

Nearby a very young cub played near the trunk of the tree uncaring, or unknowing of our presence. 

The mother bear was not so oblivious, and she watched our every move. We stopped and watched them for a time. She stared back at us from the protection of the trees and shrubs. It was not long before we took into account our vulnerability. About that same time the mother must have realized her vulnerability and that of her cub as well. 

As we began a slow retreat back toward the car, she reached up and pulled the cub down from the tree, and soon they disappeared in the underbrush in the distance. We were well within the Smoky Mountain National Park. Watching cautiously over our shoulder we reached the car and left the area without incident.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Trailers Leave, Funding Needed

     The three trailers containing 30,000 school textbooks have left Austin, Texas on the way to schools all over Malawi. Briele has done her job. She obtained the books from the Austin School System, and the Western Hill Church of Christ has raised over $20,000.00 in spite of being a congregation of only a little over 100. The total cost for shipping is $38,000.00.

     Now we need your help. Most often the size of the programs of the Malawi Project leave many people feeling their contribution will not amount to much. This is not true. The Project does not have contributors that fund massive parts of the program. The funds that come to the Malawi Project come from donations of $25,00, $50,00 or $100.00. Sometimes someone will send $500.00, but this is an exception. Your check, along with others, is the life blood of what we do. Please consider helping with the textbook shipping. Send your contribution to Malawi Project, 1365  5th Ave, Terre Haute, IN 47807 and mark it  "textbooks". Thanks for your help.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Return of the Bird

1.            Flight to Tower: Breaking Away from the formation.

            Tower: We have you on radar. Commence final approach.

2.            Flight: Roger that. Beginning Decent.

            Tower: Begin turn to the left, continuing approach.

3.            Flight: Roger that. Turning to the left.

            Tower: We have you on visual. Continue decent.

4.            Flight: Have landing zone in sight. Down to 1,100 feet.

            Tower: Slow airspeed. Don’t want to see you overshoot.

5.            Flight: Roger that. Slowing airspeed.

            Tower: Begin lowering your feet.

6.            Flight: Roger that. Feet down and angled.

            Tower: You are under the radar.


7.            Flight: Right. I am standing on the roof, stupid!