Monday, January 23, 2012

Catching Up With The Snow

Departing from Miami, Oklahoma early in the morning we have set our sights on reaching Amarillo, Texas by nightfall. That will only be about 450 miles, and after having made 600 miles the day before, this one would seem like a piece of cake. We are traveling in two cars, and headed for the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. For the past two weeks we have been watching the weather forecasts closely, and our biggest concern would be to have weather related problems is West Texas, and in the area near Grand Canyon, and Falstaff, Arizona. As of now the weather looks favorable, although they had storms west of Amarillo a couple of days ago that shut down the interstate. We are hoping the weather does not do a repeat performance as we reach that part of the country.

The trip is uneventful across the state of Oklahoma, and into Texas. Although the temperate is hovering a little below 32 degrees, the sky is relatively clear, and we are keeping our fingers crossed. Tulsa and Oklahoma City grow dim in the rear view mirror, and then disappears beyond a ribbon of double lanes of asphalt. Everything seems to indicate a good day ahead, at least until we approach Amarillo.

Snow Beginning to Fall
As we approach Amarillo from the east snowflakes begin hitting the windshield, and for a time, they are light enough there is no interruption or slowing of our forward progress. However, as we reach the outskirts of Amarillo the snow is coming down much heavier, and the road and streets are fast disappearing below a blanket of white. Traffic begins to slow on the interstate, and the big trucks begin moving to the right hand lane. We start thinking about where we are going to eat dinner. After all, it is Christmas afternoon, and we are unsure how many places will be open. We have reservations at a Hampton Inn for the night, so if we eat soon we can go directly to the hotel and settle in.

Big Texas Steak House
Giant billboards have been advertising the Big Texas Steak House for some time, and the women in both cars are familiar with the place from its appearance on the food channel. It is right on our way as we pass through the city on interstate 40, and both cars turn in for dinner. 


That is for sure. The parking lot is full, and the crowd is backed up to the door waiting for a seat inside. It doesn’t take long for the line to dwindle and we are seated for dinner. 

What A Great Meal
It is a delightful smorgasbord of Christmas meal delight, and after we are seated we give  Christmas presents to a grand daughter. 

Then Suzi makes her decision and after filling her plate, shows off what she is able to get on a single plate. 

Cowboy Songs During Our Meal
While we are enjoying our meal two cowboys come over with their violins to serenade us, just like we are celebrities. They even do a good rendition of “Back Home Again in Indiana”. I’m really impressed, and feeling quite important, at least until they go over to the next table and do a song from their home state, and then the next, and the next, and on and on. Guess they do it for everyone.

Hampton Inn for the Night
After the meal we settle in at a nearby Hampton Inn for the night. Outside the snow continues to fall. From time to time I glance out through the window. This is not so good. It sure looks like there could be a fair amount of snow on the roads by morning, and we can’t loose much time or we’ll be too late reaching California.

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