Friday, October 28, 2011

Becoming a Citizen

          The judge welcomed the 75 people sitting in the Federal Courtroom directly in front of him with these words, “This is a good day. Today everyone in the courtroom will be happy with the decisions. That does not happen very often.” He was able to draw this conclusion because the people gathered in the front of the courtroom in Indianapolis, Indiana were about to become American citizens. The smiles on their faces reflected their excitement, and their approval of the judge’s words.

          Each person’s name was called, and each of them gave the name of their country of origin. They were from all over the world, and it was easy to speculate why most of them had come. America, the land of opportunity and prosperity, was a door through which so many of the world’s poor and downtrodden wished to enter. These 75 were at the threshold. A lot of time. A lot of study. A lot of work. But they had made it, and in a time when so many are entering America through the back door, it was exceptionally pleasant to see these people, who had worked hard to make it, coming in through the front door, legally, properly, lawfully.

          They placed their hands over their hearts, and recited the pledge of allegiance. Somehow it sounded different when spoken through so many different accents, and with such enthusiasm and excitement. It was new, and for the first time, they were saying it as American citizens. It had been a long time since I had heard it with such commitment and focus.

It is Official

His American name is now Benedict Adams, and today he is one day old as an American. The pictures that capture the moment he stepped out of the federal building in Indianapolis, and posed for pictures are reflective of his excitement and pride. His smile as he repeats, “I am an American”, makes me proud to be one, and reminds me of what so many of us take for granted. We shouldn’t be so presumous. Benedict’s excitement will serve as a reminder for some time as to the value of being able to say, “I am an American.”

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