Monday, April 23, 2012

Somedays Just Wear a Guy Out

Did you ever notice that some days are harder than others, and by the end of the day you just feel all washed out? This guy seems to be presenting that tired out feeling as he stops to take a break.

Dug Out on Lake Malawi

It is a calm day on the lake. A fisherman paddles up near the short in one of the dugouts used extensively on the lake.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thinking, Believing and Doing

"What we think or what we know
or what we believe is, in the
end, of little consequence.
The only consequence is what we do"

- Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, April 2, 2012

30,000 Textbooks for Malawi

It started on a recent trip to Austin, Texas where the plight of the children of Malawi was discussed with a small group of Christians one Saturday night. Among the group was a teenager by the name of Brielle.

She asked, “Can they use school textbooks?”

The answer was “yes”.

One could not imagine at the time that Brielle would be so successful that two 40-foot trailers are being prepared for shipment to Malawi. The trailers will contain 30,000 school textbooks. Brielle has done her part. The textbooks are in a warehouse awaiting shipment to Malawi.

Now it is up to the rest of us to step up and help her reach her goal. It will cost nearly $33,000.00 to send the trailers halfway around the world with the much needed school books. The Western Hills Church of Christ, 6211 Parkwood Dr., Austin, TX 78735 has determined to find a way to raise the funds and make the shipment possible. They are asking for your help to accomplish this, and you can make your contribution directly to their address or go to the site and send a contribution through PayPal.