Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Integrity and Excitement

1. The most beautiful attire is a smile.
2. The most prized possession is integrity.
3. The most contagious spirit is enthusiasm.

                                                                                Unknown Author

          My dad once said that in the final analysis all you have to offer others is your trustworthiness and integrity. The older I get the more I know he was on to something. If you can't trust me, we have little in common. If I can't trust you there is little I can intrust to you.

           My wife has taught me the full meaning of enthusiasm. It is her unstoppable spirit of excitement that has carried us through, and over many an barrier. Almost all of our successes in the past 26 years have come as a result of her unstoppable spirit.

          And a smile, well a smile, has opened more doors than guns. There is no doubt a smile is the beginning of most great accomplishments. It is surprising we don't use them more often.