Monday, March 28, 2011

Remember the Bucket

          I remember the time the women were bringing us water in buckets on their heads. It was in the early years and we were living in a little brick house in Mponela, Malawi with no running water and no electricity. The only way we could get water was for someone to bring it to us from the river in buckets. You can believe we didn't bath very much when we saw a woman walk over a mile to bring us water. One day Suzi decided she would try to put the bucket on her head. It was full, and she struggled to pick it up. She could not pick it up, let alone get it up and on top of her head. It is hard to imagine how those poor women can carry heavy loads on their heads all the time, day in and day out.
              I am reminded of those heavy buckets as I think about the new Maize Mill that will soon be going up in the MIBI site north of the Dedza Trading Center. Funds are coming in, and when we top the $10,000.00 mark in contributions we will have enough to complete the mill. Construction can begin later this year, and before the rains reach Malawi in October a Mill should be completed that will help hundreds of women to not have to walk 15 - 20 miles to have the maize meal ground for their families. I remember and so does Suzi. When those buckets are full, they are really heavy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Realizing Full Potential

          One of the greatest losses to humanity must certainly be in fact that Christians are unable to fully grasp the fact that God will use them to do impossible things. For this reason the good that could be done shrinks down to a small percent of what it could be.

New Projects

           We have a number of new and exciting projects in the works for Malawi this year. Over the next few weeks we will begin to describe some of them in more detail. Keep watching.